Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rascal the Dragon by Paul Jennings

This is the first in a series of books that I have found perfect for beginning readers. Repetition in just the right doses; an amusing storyline - in each book; and excellent illustrations.
I especially like this because I find most beginning reader books lack one of those things - repetition is too much or too little, which damages the storyline, and the illustrations tend to be dreadful.
Given that it is my general practice to refuse to read books that I find too boring or inane to my children, it's nice to have something to teach them from that doesn't involve lowering my own standards of reading enjoyment. There is some (mild) potty humor - one of the dragons is named Bomber - so it may be a judgment call - but this is a series we will keep. Difficult to find in the U.S; getting a little easier. I finally gave up and imported the series, since I could only find the first two here. Australian.

1 comment:

  1. I second the recommendation. The world that the stories take place in--modern and familiar, but with pet dragons who are a bit, but not entirely, like dogs--is really fun.
