Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Errand of Angels - Movie

I admit to having a sometimes morbid fascination with LDS movies - I will often watch them, even if I am reasonably sure they are useless, kitchy drivel. I have come to steel myself against that, in hopes of finding the occasional gem. This is necessary, because reviews on LDS movies are pretty useless. The crowd that watches them seems to consider it unfaithful to mention anything unfavorable - no matter how badly they were done - and nobody else reviews them, unless it's to say something unflattering about the LDS church in general. Not really helpful if I'm trying to find out if I will enjoy it of an evening with my family.
So, knowing where I'm coming from, I will say: this was really quite reasonable. The story was neither overblown, with things that most LDS missionaries - or members in general - never experience in their lifetimes (though we all hear about them); nor so understated that it lost all sense of plot or direction. It was the simple, pleasant story of a young woman's experiences on her mission, how hard it was, and how rewarding. So I will give it the highest praise I give to LDS movies: yes, I would recommend it to a friend.

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